Although our April weather may be hard to predict (a foot of new snow at my house this morning!), wildlife still knows it is spring and are on the move! We are excited about our upcoming field trip to beautiful Black Lake, which is a stopover and destination on the great Pacific Flyway, for many species of birds. On a recent chilly and short trip to Black Lake, thanks to our Eastern Sierra Audubon Society guide, Larry Nahm, we identified the following bird species:

1. Ruddy Duck
2. Northern Shoveler
3. Gadwall
4. Northern Pintail
5. Redhead
6. Mallard
7. Bufflehead
8. American Coot
9. Ring-necked Duck
10, American Avocet
11. Greater Yellowlegs
12. Kildeer
13. Western Meadowlark
14. Horned Lark

Please join us on Saturday, April 10, for a great opportunity to visit an ESLT conservation project and incredible wildlife resource.

Sarah and Rosanne looking at birds

Please see our events page for more info. See you there!
