We’re in this together! That’s a mantra of our ESLT team right now as we work to keep connecting with each other and with you, each from our own homes. This year has brought many new challenges, and your ongoing support helps us to meet them with grace and flexibility.

So, how are you staying connected? We’ll share some tools that we’re relying on to stay in touch during this time of physical distancing. We welcome you to reach out to us at or on Facebook or Instagram to share your own resources and ideas.

Technology tips:

Our team has used Slack for instant messaging, Dropbox and Google Photos for file sharing, Gmail for daily communication, and Zoom for staff meetings and weekly “happy hours.” To make our Zoom meetings more fun, we’ve created some of our own ESLT Zoom backgrounds! Click this link to peruse these backgrounds and download some for your own meetings.

Ways to connect with ESLT:

Are you signed up for our monthly e-newsletter? Each one is filled with news and virtual events, along with personal updates from Executive Director Kay Ogden. Sign up today to receive this dose of ESLT connection in your inbox each month.

Make sure to follow us on social media too! We’d love to connect with you on our platforms. Click here to visit us on Facebook, and click here to visit us on Instagram.

Each month, we’ve been hosting our new ESLT Happy Place Book Club, which comes together virtually for fun, thought-provoking conversations. Our next book will be The Overstory by Richard Powers, which we’ll discuss on July 28th. Click here to learn more. If you order from Spellbinder Books and mention our book club, you’ll receive 10% off!

We’ve also hosted Virtual Victory Garden Workshops in partnership with our local chapters of California Native Plant Society, Master Gardeners, and Audubon Society. You can learn from a myriad of gardening experts about diverse topics by watching recordings of these workshops on our YouTube page.

Finally, stay tuned for details of our virtual Lands & Legacy Celebration, which will take place through Labor Day weekend!

More recommendations to help you stay connected and grounded:

As our team continues to work remotely and at full capacity, we welcome you to reach out anytime. Again, you are welcome to email us at , or to leave a message on our office telephone at 760-873-4554. We love hearing from you, and we’re checking our messages. We’ll get back to you soon!


Would you like to explore resources for gardening, birdwatching, and more, along with family-friendly outdoor games and scavenger hunts? Visit our new At-Home Haven at the link below.

At-Home Haven


Author Heather Freeman is the Philanthropy Manager here at ESLT. If you have questions or want to get in touch with her, you can email her at .